Helpful Resources

Educational Resources

A handful of learning institutions and organizations that have been instrumental to my professional, personal, and academic growth.

Harvard CS50

Harvard University's one-of-a-kind "Introduction to Computer Science" course taught by professor David J. Malan, as well as the many other constituent courses offered under the CS50 umbrella. The online course offerings are completely free to enroll in (seriously), and they offer an unparalleled learning experience for CS newcomers and veterans alike. I have completed CS50P, and I hope to complete CS50x in the next month or so!



This free and open-source learning hub offers a wide variety of project-based certification courses. The recommended curriculum starts with foundations in web development (e.g., HTML and CSS) before continuing into more advanced topics like programming fundamentals, front-end frameworks, and using APIs in back-end development. I am currently working through the Front-End Development Libraries certification.


The Odin Project

This free and open-source learning hub focuses specifically on honing web development skills. After taking the required Foundations course, users are given the option of two learning paths: the Full-Stack Ruby on Rails path and the Full-Stack JavaScript path. Both paths cover an expansive amount of web development topics; each merely uses its own language of choice. I am currently still working through the Foundations course, but I aim to ultimately explore the Ruby on Rails path!


Gamified Learning

A selection of free-to-play games that I have played explicitly for the purpose of learning something new or solidifying a skill. It's hard to beat learning through the lens of a video game!


Job Boards

A variety of online job boards I have used frequently throughout the course of my job search.

General Job Search

Catch-all job boards that promote connections between job seekers and hiring managers alike.


Jobs in Game Development

Video game development is one of my greatest personal interests. As I have looked for jobs in the industry, I have found multiple job boards and collections specifically catered to game development. Huge shoutout to Amir Satvat, who maintains the third resource on this list. He's an unwavering champion of game developers and the well-being of the industry at large.


References and Documentation

A wide array of handy technical references that I use on a regular basis.

Quick Reference

Simple and powerful sites for speedy retrieval of specific information. These sites can greatly reduce headaches for basic tasks like deciphering an unfamiliar file type or double-checking a particular keyboard shortcut in Visual Studio Code.


Fonts and Typefaces

Whenever I'm working with alternate typefaces or even just scouting for non-default font choices (I die a little inside every time I use 11-pt Calibri or Arial), I have a select few resources that I gravitate towards for guidance.


Documentation Lookup: DevDocs

Maintained by the aforementioned organization freeCodeCamp, DevDocs streamlines the documentation lookup process by gathering any and all reference data you may need and consolidating it into a smoother, more singular experience. Highly recommended if you're working on a project with a bulky tech stack and don't want to have 37 different tabs open at the same time.
