Roman Numeral Converter

  Last updated September 2023

  freeCodeCamp Certification Project

Logo for the JavaScript programming language

Developer Credits

  •   Developed by Daniel Fletcher

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Skills & Technologies

  • JavaScript

Project Details

JavaScript implementation of a function that converts a base-10 integer to its Roman numeral counterpart.

Do you ever find yourself wondering what 287 would look like as a Roman numeral? Look no further! This JavaScript implementation of a Roman numeral conversion function can answer that question (it's CCLXXXVII) and many others like it.

The CodePen link above will open an in-browser code editor and console. Tinkering at the console will enable you to interface with the  convertToRoman  function I implemented. Note that all other functions are designed as helper functions and are therefore not expected to be called directly.

Here are a few more conversions for trying at the console:

Relevant links:

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