Random Quote Machine

  Last updated November 2023

  freeCodeCamp Certification Project

Random quote generator with a character's image and some quote they have said

Developer Credits

  •   Developed by Daniel Fletcher

Project Link

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Skills & Technologies

  • React
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Project Details

Generate and share quotes from some of popular culture's most iconic characters.

This project was a turning point for me during the freeCodeCamp curriculum. Working with a front-end library like React (as opposed to pure HTML/CSS designs or JavaScript console programming) gave me much better insight into what professional web development can look like. I very much enjoyed working on this one, and I think part of that is because I enjoy working with React!

I did also enjoy scouring the web for quotes from pop culture. The project specifications did not require any specific quote pool to be used, so I thought I would make it contain quotes from an array of fictional characters that I could hand-pick. I even decided to add supplemental images for each character's quote as a handy reference.

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Related Projects

This is certification project 1 of 5 in the Front-End Development Libraries track at freeCodeCamp. Each of my project submissions in this track is linked below.

Random Quote Machine

Nov 2023

Generate and share quotes from some of popular culture's most iconic characters.