Random Quote Machine
Last updated November 2023
freeCodeCamp Certification Project

Developer Credits
- Developed by Daniel Fletcher
Project Link
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Skills & Technologies
- React
- JavaScript
Project Details
Generate and share quotes from some of popular culture's most iconic characters.
This project was a turning point for me during the freeCodeCamp curriculum. Working with a front-end library like React (as opposed to pure HTML/CSS designs or JavaScript console programming) gave me much better insight into what professional web development can look like. I very much enjoyed working on this one, and I think part of that is because I enjoy working with React!
I did also enjoy scouring the web for quotes from pop culture. The project specifications did not require any specific quote pool to be used, so I thought I would make it contain quotes from an array of fictional characters that I could hand-pick. I even decided to add supplemental images for each character's quote as a handy reference.
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Related Projects
This is certification project 1 of 5 in the Front-End Development Libraries track at freeCodeCamp. Each of my project submissions in this track is linked below.