Daniel Fletcher

Software Engineer

Aspiring Game Developer

About Me

Daniel gives a speech to the Leon High School Class of 2019.
Daniel gives a speech to the Leon High School Class of 2019.

Hello, World!

My name is Daniel Fletcher, and I have lived in Tallahassee, FL since I was born. That's almost 23 years in this city making friends, fostering connections, and discovering a sense of self. I began attending Leon High School in August 2015, where I would meet classmates and teachers alike that have changed my life for the better. Four school years later in May 2019, I served as one of two seniors to give a speech at the Leon Class of 2019 graduation ceremony.

Growing up, I always had this strong sense of wonder associated with mathematics and logic. Partway through my first semester at Florida State University, I discovered just how much coding scratched this same itch. And thus, a trajectory was born! I declared my major in computer science in January 2020, and I became absolutely enraptured in the vast sea of information the field had to offer. Finally, in December 2022, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science!

My relationship with learning extends beyond the confines of the classroom, though. Since attaining my degree, I have embarked on several fascinating deep dives and academic pursuits, including the likes of web development certifications, self-directed studies in game development, and even Harvard University's proprietary CS50 program. This portfolio is actually a direct result of some of these learning endeavors!

All that's to say, my learning journey is far from over. On the contrary: It's just getting started.

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